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Finding Strength in Uncertainty

What a whirlwind the last couple of months have been! We have been adapting to our new normal of balancing working from home, which we are so grateful to be able to do, as well as keeping up with Ollie’s everyday routine and activities of play and therapy. There have definitely been moments of stress, exhaustion, and frustration, but as always, we continue to look for the light in the everyday mundane tasks. Although the days are filled with so much uncertainty, we choose to focus on the good things that have come during these days of working from home, staying in, and social distancing.

One of the greatest blessings is that our insurance will cover tele-therapy visits so that Ollie can continue to receive therapy from home. We have been able to do weekly sessions for physical therapy and occupational therapy and it is amazing to see Ollie’s progress over the last two months. He continues to get stronger every day and develop more skills with sitting, walking, standing, and using both of his hands together!

Here is Ollie practicing taking steps with just some support from dad!

Something that seems so little, but to us is SO exciting is that Ollie is beginning to use his hands together. These videos show his emerging ability to keep his hands open and use them together!

Another positive of slowing down over the last couple of months is being given the gift of time. We have had more time to finish little projects around the house and develop new ideas that aid in Ollie’s development. Here is Ollie enjoying a new play canopy that is wide enough to fit his gait-trainer AND will allow for his friends to play alongside him once we are able to have play-dates again. We also put up a large mirror to make some of the therapy exercises more fun. Ollie is enjoying watching himself and gaining more awareness of himself!

Of course everyday isn’t rainbows and unicorns as Ollie truly misses his “Kathie days” and “Grandma Susan days” and he gets rather tired of us. About once a day we either take a drive or go for a walk just to simply get out of the house. It’s amazing how quickly your perspective can shift and how exciting just getting outside and having a change of scenery can be. We strive to continuously look for the light in this darkness and be the light if at all possible. We hope you all are able to see a glimmer of light in the darkness you might be facing.

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. Romans 12:12 NLT
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